Jesus film is one of tools we use at Theovision International to share God’s Voice to both rural and urban communities.
This is a great tool in spreading the gospel further since audiovisual communication is more memorable. We want God’s voice shared and remembered!
Again, back then it was only in English or Kiswahili language. Theovision International Kenya gives local church leaders and missionaries access to the Jesus Film, recorded in african languages…so that ALL can watch and hear God’s voice in their heart language , their mother tongue.
We train the church leaders how to use it to evangelise and disciple more people. And we do not sell. It is absolutely free.

Where can you use Jesus Film?
It can be viewed by all as long as it is in a language that can be well understood by the community.
It can be used at homes, schools, churches, markets, prisons, crusades…anywhere. You ONLY need a projector and a white sheet.
There are 4 basic steps:
See/hear—- Think– Do–Care
See Stage: This where the person watches in his or her language
Think stage: It gets them thinking about the suffering of Jesus.
Do Stage: After the watching, there is a small discussion. Our local missionaries connect the experience to communities’ personal spiritual life and need
Care: The person ministered to realizes the need to be transformed and new soul is brought to christ!
How do you get the Jesus Film and it’s training?
To get the FREE Jesus Film in your language, you can use any of the following:
Contact us: 0713382329 or
Walk in: We are located Opposite Ankole grill, along Galana road, off Argwing khodhek road, Kilimani, Nairobi.
View our field experience Gallery here.
Support our Jesus Film ministry by donating towards Projectors for the remote areas here: Donate