Scripture Engagement Programs

Bible Listening Groups (BLG)
Theovision International Kenya is dedicated to bringing the Word of God to remote African villages through audio Bibles. These audio Bibles are packaged in solar devices, ensuring that they can be powered even in areas with limited access to electricity. We encourage the formation of Bible listening groups (BLGs) within the communities that gather together to listen to the audio Bibles and discuss the teachings, fostering a sense of community and deepening their understanding of the Bible. Over time, these Bible listening groups often evolve into churches.
Bible Listening Stations (BLS)
We have established Bible listening stations in prisons, hospitals, and schools. Through the use of audio Bibles, we provide individuals in these settings with the opportunity to access and engage with the teachings of the Bible. In prisons, these Bible listening stations offer inmates a source of inspiration, comfort, and guidance, helping them find hope and a path towards positive change. In hospitals, patients can find solace and strength in the messages of the Bible during their healing journeys. And in schools, students are given the chance to learn about God & Word, fostering spiritual growth and character development.